It's Linux

on the Pico

Posted by ElectroBoy404NotFound on October 10, 2023 · 1 min read

Chapter 1: Introduction

On any fourm for microcontrollers, there is always going to be a post asking if they can run Linux on their Microcontroller.

Their Answer? Laughter.

Raspberry Pi's RP2040 microcontroller is no exception.

Chapter 2: History

On Feb 23rd, 2023, an electronics engineering student, who goes by the name Vlad Tomoiagă, made the gtihub repo pico-rv32ima which has ammased over 150 starts on github at the time of writing.

But we need to go a futher back to understand.

On Oct 28, 2022, CNLohr created a repo for his new project, Mini-RV32IMA.

He started the project as a way of learning more about the RISC-V architecture and had a goal of running linux on it which he successfully compleated on Nov 27, 2022

He mentions that it is a RISC-V core with the extensions "(I)nteger", "(M)ultiplication and Division" and "(A)tomic Instructions". And importantly, it doesn't use any dependencies, not even libc. Only pure C.

Now we can come back into the present.